Help Local Foster Children – Hope4Kids Festival and Run

Save the date! Join in to help some foster children and if you are into road races, you should check out this upcoming 5K/10K and mile fun run happening in Camarillo on April 29:

Hope4Kids flyer - event to help foster children

All proceeds from the races, the festival, and a huge silent auction they are having will benefit foster children in Ventura and Los Angeles counties through the group RaisingHOPE. Here are some sobering facts from them:

There are approximately 1,200 children in foster care in Ventura County and 28,000 children in foster care and Los Angeles County. Many of these children are in group homes or are shipped out of county because there are not enough foster families to care for them. These situations disrupt a child’s ability to live in a healthy family and impede their schooling, family visits and they even split siblings. Without our community getting involved many of these children have no one. They are essentially cared for by a system of paid staff in homes with other children. We aim to bring the children to the community so that each citizen can do something to help our most vulnerable children. We help hundreds of youth annually through our programs as follows.

For more information and to see how else you can help, visit RaisingHOPE’s website.

The Rose Run in Griffith Park – Raise Money To Support Cancer Research

My friend Jessica, aka Burbank Mom, lost her mother to breast cancer several years ago. She is one of those rare people who took her grief and turned into something hopeful, namely, an annual road race in her mother’s memory called The Rose Run. Proceeds from the events are for cancer research.

This year the Rose Run comes to Griffith Park. What a lovely place to do something healthy for yourself in the memory of one so loved, and to benefit someone in need. Cancer is a disease that touches almost everyone in some way. Your donation or your participation in the run is a testament to your concern and love for family members or friends affected by cancer.

2015LAPostcard2The Rose Run
Sunday October 4th
Griffith Park
Online registration closes September 29th at midnight. Race day registration will be available. All proceeds from the October 4th event will go to The Disney Family Cancer Center at Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center in Burbank. So far the Rose Run events have raised over $75,000 to benefit cancer research and support efforts. Go, Jessica!

Turn That Frown Upside Down at the Great Race of Agoura Hills 2013

On March 23 our entire family ran/walked the Family Fun Run event at the Great Race of Agoura Hills. It was the first time we all participated because our younger son is finally old enough! Last year, it was hard to get him in the pictures because he kept hiding. This year he stayed in the frame, but refused to smile.

brady photo face

What finally got him to smile? Not the fact that he ran almost the whole mile (to catch up and beat another kid), or the free pancake breakfast from Great Harvest Bakery (yum!), or the free pineapple juice, or the gumball from the Tomboy Vintage booth. No, it was when he had all four of our very hard-earned medals draped around his neck.


The kid loves him some hardware!

Here are more photos from the Dole Great Race of Agoura Hills, 2013. Are you in any of them? (Shout out to my pal Charlene for snapping the “finish line” pic, and to Soybu for my cute headband via MomsLA.)