The Rose Run in Griffith Park – Raise Money To Support Cancer Research

My friend Jessica, aka Burbank Mom, lost her mother to breast cancer several years ago. She is one of those rare people who took her grief and turned into something hopeful, namely, an annual road race in her mother’s memory called The Rose Run. Proceeds from the events are for cancer research.

This year the Rose Run comes to Griffith Park. What a lovely place to do something healthy for yourself in the memory of one so loved, and to benefit someone in need. Cancer is a disease that touches almost everyone in some way. Your donation or your participation in the run is a testament to your concern and love for family members or friends affected by cancer.

2015LAPostcard2The Rose Run
Sunday October 4th
Griffith Park
Online registration closes September 29th at midnight. Race day registration will be available. All proceeds from the October 4th event will go to The Disney Family Cancer Center at Providence Saint Joseph Medical Center in Burbank. So far the Rose Run events have raised over $75,000 to benefit cancer research and support efforts. Go, Jessica!