Instantly Fabulous with Secret Extensions [Giveaway]

(This is not all my hair. Shhh! It’s a secret. Read to bottom for giveaway.)

One of my favorite things to do lately, when I see friends, is to show up or receive guests wearing my new Secret Extensions extra hair. It looks like I’ve gotten extensions put it in, or for people I haven’t seen in a long time, like my hair got really long since they saw me last.

secret extensions before and after

And then I make them watch as I take the extensions out. It’s a remarkably simple maneuver – I just take off the invisible headband that is fitted on the bottom with hair that matches my own. Wearing the extensions is as easy as putting on a headband. And it looks so natural and fabulous.

(My kids, of course, had to try them, too. I didn’t get a photo, but trust me, on a boy it looks like the most fabulous mullet you can imagine. Here are my extensions taking a little rest:)


It’s Secret Extensions, and it’s only $29.99!

Here’s how it works – the spectacular Helen Crutchfield, who was on hand at the event where I received a fantastic blowout and custom-shaped Secret Extensions – explains and shows you how:

Daisy Fuentes is the cover girl for Secret Extensions, and she has a video too:

The extensions I have are actually the double weft – you can pay extra to get double the thickness depending on the thickness of your hair.

To order, just go to the Secret Extensions website. For readers of this blog, you can get free shipping if you CLICK HERE and use the promo code “daisy.”

If you have a good stylist, bring the extensions to him or her and have them trimmed to fit the shape of your hair.

Secret Extensions also makes removable bangs (I KNOW!) and a funky ponytail extension that makes it look like you have a cute little up-do in a snap!

bloggers with secret extensions

The best news is that I am giving away a set of Secret Extensions here on this post! Just leave a comment below to let me know that you want to enter and make sure I have your contact information by using a real email address. Enter by 11:59 PM on Monday, February 10 – a random winner will be chosen from all qualified comments. No need for tweeting or sharing for extra entries (but I would love it if you’d share with friends who might like this post). The winner just has to tell Secret Extensions what color hair she has, and they will send her some new extra hair!

You’re Welcome in Laney’s Closet – Upscale Clothing Swap in Agoura Hills

There is a magical place tucked behind Agoura Road that is filled with frocks and trinkets and purses and shoes! It reminds me of the closet in “Heaven on 5th” in the Sex and the City movie.

Except it’s not Sarah Jessica Parker, it’s Laney Vivo, and this is her closet.

laneys closet detail 3

laneys closet wide 3


Actually, it’s your closet too, if you become a member. Laney’s Closet is a members-only upscale clothing swap club. Laney herself welcomes you into the space by appointment. You bring your gently used fabulous clothing and accessories. She evaluates your pieces and then gives you credit based on their retail value if she thinks that another member would like to wear them.

I met Laney at the Closet’s debut event over the summer, and she invited me to come play dress-up and learn more about her business. It just so happened that I was available on my birthday, so we made it into a special, fun event. I brought my pal Michelle with me, and Michelle brought bags full of clothing and shoes to swap. She signed up for the service, got a bunch of credit, and left that day with one pair of designer jeans and a few other new-to-her pieces.

Michelle and the shoes that allow her to look 50 feet tall.

Michelle and the shoes that allow her to look 50 feet tall.

So essentially, for the price of a monthly membership ($69.95), Michelle walked away with hundreds of dollars worth of designer clothing.

I didn’t do so badly either.

kim 3 wine

These are the outtakes. I had a hard time taking myself serious. The above left pose is my "style blogger" pose.

These are the outtakes. I had a hard time taking myself seriously. The above right pose is my “style blogger” pose.

The best part of the club membership is that Laney, who is a fashion consultant and stylist, can take one look and you and pull things out of her inventory (that she knows inside and out) that she thinks would fit and look good on you. Things that you would never even pull off the rack, or dream in a million years would flatter your body type. At all. Right before we wrapped up our visit I said “Okay, give me something crazy that I would never even try on” and she pulled out a hot little red dress.

Who knew?


It was my birthday present. How perfect! I wore this to the Wendy Bellissimo for JCPenney sneak peek event later that week, where a professional photographer was snapping photos, and some shots wound up on the media database at Getty Images, so I’m really glad I had a lovely dress on!

Laney’s Closet
28351 Agoura Road, Suite B
Agoura Hills CA 91301


Agoura Hills Mom Recommends: Shannon Whiteside and Just Blown Away [Video]

Update: Color by Shannon Klein, who moved away and broke my blonde heart. Style by the now-defunct Just Blown Away in Westlake Village.