Holiday Spiked Egg Nog and Blog Hop

It’s another Holiday Blog Hop from Savvy Sassy Moms and the ScoutBox team. This time I am one of the hostesses, because this week’s theme is holiday drinks! One of my favorite topics.


What drink says “holiday” more than egg nog? For years I struggled to get mine just right, and then finally I focused on it. I didn’t make the nog from scratch – just got some at the grocery store.

egg nog ingredients

I experimented with all of the dark liquors in the liquor cabinet to see what egg nog recipe I liked best. This is a combination of old-fashioned recipes and what I thought tasted best. I actually liked it better over ice, too.

Holiday Spiced Egg Nog

1.5 tbsp bourbon
1.5 tbsp dark rum
1/3 cup egg nog
dash nutmeg

What’s great is that you can pour a little non-alcoholic egg nog for your kids, then spike it up for the grownups. A great holiday tradition!

This is part of the Holiday Blog Hop hosted by Savvy Sassy Moms and some other great bloggers. Check out their holiday drink specials here:

Savvy Sassy Moms

Lindsey of The Nashville Mom

Natasha of Hello, Happiness

Carrie Beth & Jen of Magnolia Mamas

Sara of Running from the Law


You can share your own posts with recipes for special holiday drinks by joining in. Just put the URL and name of your blog post into the InLinkz widget below. It would be great if you could visit 3-5 other blogs in the Holiday Blog Hop and leave a comment on their posts. Share this Holiday Blog Hop with your friends and readers on social media using the #SavvySassyHoliday hashtag.


  1. Just quadruple the recipe and I’m in!

  2. Yum!! I love love love eggnog, but I’ve never made it. Might have to try it this season! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Sounds perfect for the holidays!!


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