It’s been a while since I posted here—I’ll confess, I’ve been busy with other things and most of my activity has been posted in the Parents of Agoura Hills Facebook group. I thought I’d take the new year as an opportunity to return to the blog and post some useful items and an update.
New Yoga Studio: Westlake Yoga
First, a new studio called Westlake Yoga. Opened in 2020 as an outdoor practice, last year it moved into the old YogaWorks studio in Westlake Village. I booked a class this morning so I would be forced to get out of the house and start the new year right! While I was nervous about going to an in-person practice indoors with other humans, my rusty joints and my general sense of inertia needed a kick in the pants. The new management did NOT disappoint. The flow class was exactly what I needed, and the welcoming vibe of the instructor and the other participants gave me the warm fuzzies that are still with me!
Food Scraps Go in the Green Bin in Agoura Hills
Second, this post about how to collect your organic kitchen waste. As you might have seen, a state law requires residents to put our organic food waste into our green bins. That’s right. Kitchen scraps now go into the green bin, not the garbage. And NOT in a bag. That means that you need start collecting food scraps in a container, and dumping its contents into your green bin.
Before you grumble and moan, know that this is a measure meant to help us fight climate change. This effort was actually introduced back in 2016 when CA Senate Bill 1383 was passed. This law set goals for California to reduce organic waste disposal by 75% by 2025. Today is the day residential organic food waste composting requirements go into effect! I don’t know exactly how my family is going to collect scraps. We do have a garden, so we might compost. No matter how we do it, we have to form this new habit. Already today I chuck an orange peel right into the garbage without even thinking.
Selling Agoura Hills Mom
Third, this is the year I would like to pass Agoura Hills Mom to a new publisher. My kids are teenagers and super not into me sharing their hijinks. I started this site in 2010 when our family moved here and I just fell in love with Agoura Hills.

But I haven’t blogged regularly in a long time. I rarely if ever participate in hosted family activities or reviews anymore. For the last year or so, I have been focusing on other things. These include finishing my first novel, getting my MBA, and succeeding at work. It would be a shame to let this site and resource go to waste, however. I’d love to find an interested parent to purchase this site and its corresponding social media accounts. I’m putting this intention out into the universe…or at least the Conejo Valley.
Thank You!
If you’ve read all the way to the bottom, hello! Thank you! And happy new year! If you have any questions or tips for me to pass on, or you know someone interested in blogging about our town, you can email me at kim@agourahillsmom.com!
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